Hunting Land - Now's the Time to Buy

June 12, 2017
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How many times have you sat in a tree stand or blind on public or leased land and realized that you would hunt completely different if it was yours?

Owning hunting property can give you a sense of pride, safety and be a good investment. It is also an added value to be able to hunt on your own property. How many times have you sat in a tree stand or blind on public or leased land and realized that you would hunt this property completely different than the owners if it were yours? If you can afford to purchase land, now is the time. After all, they are not making any more. The land buying process is more involved than just looking at an online topographical map of the property and some nice pictures of bucks on the recent trail cameras. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when buying deer hunting land.

1) Location This point is simple. Make sure your land purchase is far enough away from the city, but not too far that traveling to it takes too long. You will need to consider traveling expenses into your purchase costs. Our recommendation would be less than 3 hours, that way you can leave early in the morning and be able to hunt at daybreak, and be able to return home after the hunt. This is really ideal if a cabin is not yet built on the land. Another consideration is the close proximity of a hotel or motel, for those unexpected overnight stays to track a wounded animal.

2) Land Layout With land layout you actually need to consider the traffic pattern of the deer and the traffic pattern of the humans using the land. If you are thinking of putting a cabin on it down the road, make sure there is a level, dry spot on the property that can accommodate it. The preferable location for the cabin would be on the road side of the property, as to not spook the deer as you drive in and out of the property. Putting the cabin in the middle of the property makes no sense unless your reasoning priority is over that of hunting. Is there a possibility of adding food plot(s), and can machinery access those areas?

3) Food  Deer need food and water all year to survive. Both of these can be added with limitations. Let’s focus on food. Looking for the right trees while walking the land is important. After all, it is easier to work with what you have than to add those resources down the road at an extra cost and time. For whitetail deer hunting, we look for perennial-style wood plants, low-hanging trees, brushy shrubs, leafy vines and anything else considered brush style vegetation.  This type of food makes up the largest percent of a deer’s diet in most states. Next come fruit from trees and bushes. These can consist of acorns from oaks and nuts from hickory trees. Also in this category are fruits and berries that grow sporadically across the United States. Next on the list is what farmers would consider weeds and herbaceous (not wood style) vegetation. These tend to be broadleaf plants that have flowers. Second to last would be grass and grass like plants. Lastly, we would want to consider field food sources. These would be from neighboring farm fields or from an existing or future food plot.

4) Water Water is the second most important factor for deer hunting land. Although not a necessity, knowing the location of the water on your or neighboring property would be helpful. Water ponds can be put in, but there will be costs of hauling water tanks. Most properties can have wells put in or ponds dug, but those costs will need to be factored into the purchase.

6) Game Signs Look for actual signs that deer do visit the property. Buck scrapes, trails and droppings.  But be careful, the property might only see deer traveling through during the night. They may be feeding on one property during the day, traveling through at night and lying down on another property during the day. If there is a possibility to hang some trail cameras before buying the property, you would get a snap shot of the property at all times of day during the current season.

7) Neighboring Property Take a look at your neighboring property. Are there bow and rifle hunters? What are their hunting habits? Do they drive deer? Do they practice quality deer management? Is there public land adjacent to the property? Do not be afraid to introduce yourself and ask the right questions. Owning your own property can be a rewarding experience and a good investment for you and your family and will provide hunting memories that will last a lifetime.

United Country Real Estate has agents across the country that specialize in hunting land for whitetail deer, moose, bear, elk and other wildlife. View our thousands of hunting land listings at